AARVIG & ASSOCIATES, Attorneys at Law
The firm provides services to public and private entities to meet their needs in the area of investigation. The firm conducts workplace investigations of complaints by employees as well as investigation of complaints by students. The firm has extensive experience with Title IX investigations and investigations of claims of workplace harassment or discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and religion. The firm investigates claims of violation of the American’s with Disabilities Act, Title VII, FEHA, CFRA, FMLA, and violation of the specific policies of the client. The firm investigates claims of bullying, privacy violations, retaliation for engaging in protected activity, workplace violence, sexual misconduct allegations, hostile learning environment, dishonesty in the commission of an employee’s duties, misrepresentation of credentials, misappropriation, employee misconduct, contractors claims against public agencies, and a host of other circumstances where an outside neutral investigator is needed.
The firm appreciates the importance of being thorough and unbiased so that all involved are assured of a fair report. Years of experience has honed the ability to provide these services promptly and efficiently. The firm recognizes the need to be cognizant of costs and employs cost control measures by strict adherence to the scope of the assignment and regular status reports to keep the employer informed on the progress of the investigation. The employer controls the scope of the assignment rather than assignment taking on a life of its own. Close communication with the City Attorney, General Counsel or Board Counsel is maintained to assure that the investigation is meeting the expectations set forth at the outset.